About Mark
Mark McDonald is an organist, harpsichordist, and choral director based in British Columbia, Canada. Recognized as a gifted soloist and collaborator, he has participated in several international competitions including Musashino-Tokyo (2017) and the Arp Schnitger (3rd prize, 2014) and notable collaborations include performances and recordings with Cirque du Soleil and NYO Canada. He holds degrees and diplomas from McGill University, Queen's University and the HFK Bremen. He presently serves as Instructor of Organ at the University of Victoria and as Assistant Director of Music at Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
I wish to acknowledge that I live, work, and make music on the unceded territories of the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. I am grateful for the opportunity to live, create, and perform here. -MM